lördag 28 november 2009


Yesterday was great. And the club was in fucking christiania! I've always wanted to go there. Here is the Peacocks playing.

fredag 27 november 2009




We played on this insanely big place last sunday. I thought it was going to suck, but the place was fucking packed due to a film festival going on. We totally killed all that night! One of the highlights fo sho


Havent updated in a while. The tour is hectic i can tell u! Now we are on our way to copenhagen, and listening to Nemas in the bus

tisdag 17 november 2009


Ourense was one of the coolest gigs and audiences so far, thank u so much


Dorks on the way to ourense

Baby shakes

BS playing in madrid. The blog hasnt worked in spain until now


Dave and the jäger girls


Thanks for the jäger madrid!

torsdag 12 november 2009


We are in spain, barcelona! Finally back to spain after 1 and a 1/2 years. Gig in madrid today! Gonna meet Hilda and Anabel tonight aswell. The suecos from hisingen returns!

onsdag 11 november 2009


Tonight was again an amazing suprise! We got them dancing. Madrid tommorrow, finally spain! Here's me and Mary by the merch.


Wine and cheese dinner before the show


Dallas did his thang yesterday, now he is so good looking


Sunny breakfast in Cannes

Mary and Claudie

Party in our hotelroom last night

tisdag 10 november 2009


Dancing to Beyonce


Joel and me has storhetsvansinne


Great show tonight! Industri Royal kicked ass tonight and so did we. A mix of elders, kids and youngsters in the audience, great!


Beautiful Cannes

Cannes baby!

Rivieran för tusan!


Aka Chuck Judas


On our way to Cannes. Kendolls, Industri Royal and Baby Shakes tonight. Alleycat power!

Bye Lyon

The night was cold, but the gig was great! We are on our way to Cannes now!

måndag 9 november 2009


Lyon was fucking ace! Played with the great guys in Black flowers. Sold some merch, sucked some balls!


And we are off to Lyon now! Yesterday was pretty ok for a sunday, looking forward to play with Industry Royal on tuesday.

söndag 8 november 2009


Pour some sugar on me


France baby!


Having a good tiiiiime


Pathetic pieces of shit


Woke up to this view. Me spooning dave at the hotel. Today - saint etianne, france.

lördag 7 november 2009


Love this town! This is the stage

On da road again

Thank you Tübingen! Tonight - Rorschach, Switzerland!


Yesterday was fucking GREAT! A filthy basement packed with great people, the gig was so awesome. We did Sonics song Money and people went crazy. We had low expectations but it turned out to be one of the coolest gigs we've ever played.

fredag 6 november 2009


We met up with Dolores from D-tour yesterday, which i really hope we'll start working with. The girls know how to party, and every kendoll was pathetically drunk yesterday. This is the result, someone puked in his sleep, guess who?

On our way

On our way to tübingen. Det är ganska intressant att turnéra med tjejer. Det är mycket öppna dörrar, bära väskor och alla försöker vara gentlemens. Dom frågar oss om allt, dom litar på att vi ska ta hand om dom liksom, vilket är jävligt kul och gulligt.

torsdag 5 november 2009

Münster stage

Kill the rythm! Da stage!

Merch whore

Kendolls + Baby Shakes merch stand. Buy and die!


Yesterday was bad luck day. Late flight, stop in traffic and closed roads which resultet in us having to cancel the show in belgium. But now we are on our way to münster, so tonight will be kickass!

onsdag 4 november 2009


Slept at E-tapp in Hamburg. We just met baby shakes at the airport, and will soon be on our be on our way to belgium.

tisdag 3 november 2009


The Kendolls on the cover of Bohusläningen. Storhetsvansinne 4-life. Rolling stone magazine next biatch.

On da road

We are right now on our way to hamburg where we will spend the night. Tommorrow we will meet Baby Shakes by the airport and head for our first show on this tour - Hasselt, Belgium!

European Tour Nov 09