We played on this insanely big place last sunday. I thought it was going to suck, but the place was fucking packed due to a film festival going on. We totally killed all that night! One of the highlights fo sho
We are in spain, barcelona! Finally back to spain after 1 and a 1/2 years. Gig in madrid today! Gonna meet Hilda and Anabel tonight aswell. The suecos from hisingen returns!
Yesterday was fucking GREAT! A filthy basement packed with great people, the gig was so awesome. We did Sonics song Money and people went crazy. We had low expectations but it turned out to be one of the coolest gigs we've ever played.
We met up with Dolores from D-tour yesterday, which i really hope we'll start working with. The girls know how to party, and every kendoll was pathetically drunk yesterday. This is the result, someone puked in his sleep, guess who?
On our way to tübingen. Det är ganska intressant att turnéra med tjejer. Det är mycket öppna dörrar, bära väskor och alla försöker vara gentlemens. Dom frågar oss om allt, dom litar på att vi ska ta hand om dom liksom, vilket är jävligt kul och gulligt.
Yesterday was bad luck day. Late flight, stop in traffic and closed roads which resultet in us having to cancel the show in belgium. But now we are on our way to münster, so tonight will be kickass!
We are right now on our way to hamburg where we will spend the night. Tommorrow we will meet Baby Shakes by the airport and head for our first show on this tour - Hasselt, Belgium!