fredag 28 augusti 2009


Resting my voice backstage in Wild at heart. Awesome town and place. I have been sick ever since we left sweden, but fuck it, i'll sing til my lungs collapse. Tonight will be ace

Drinking in the sun, me and david had a ugly-drinks contest yesterday, i feel like ass physically but i am excited like hell. Luv for this city. Tonight we will put all berlin bands in their place


Berlin baby!

torsdag 27 augusti 2009

Ingen gillar balls from grohed


Showtime in one hour. If you aint first, you're last


Drinking netto-öl in chemnitz, its hot like dallas balls outside. The sun is burning my bacon.



Good evening magdeburg! Made some friends, kicked some ass, sucked some balls


Mr dallas breakfast


Yesterday was cool, much merch sold, people appreciated the gig, it was free bar. I drank a kick ass shot called nosebleed! I won. I felt like dying on stage, i had a fever, but i feel better today. Chemnitz next!

onsdag 26 augusti 2009


They have a pool. Dricka öl och pissa i poolen


We are here! Beatiful city


My balls are dying from the heat


Volkswagen boys, all the german ladies second choice


On our way to magdeburg. I am a bit sick and feel like shit. Listening to Sterile Hermaphrodite, album of the year? Fuck yes

Nu gåre bra

After one night it looks like rockbarens rökrum

tisdag 25 augusti 2009


Eating anti vegetarian breakfast. Festade med en miljonär igår, han var golfare och han bjöd på sprit. Dallas har ännu inte vaknat till liv

Woke up

Woke up by sigge, puking in the shower

Gå ner sig



Irish coffee, absolut jakt x2 and a skånsk djungel juice! Dricka dränkar!

Tha bar

Finally at the bar. They are playing Basshunter, we are looking for old emsamstående morsor



With the voice of lions, the rats gather

Aight, this is what´s up...

We have been rehearsing really hard the last couple of months. We are writing what is going to be The Kendolls debut fullength album, we have booked studio time in November and i am so excited over this material that i am about to piss my pants. We are pushing each others limits and the song quality insanely hard.

But for now we are going on a mini tour in the northern parts of Germany. I am especially looking forward to Berlin, finally!

The boat to Kiel sets off tonight 19:00, and for the few who have heard about our strange Kiel trips should be excited of what is to come, i know i am.

"The stench of kebab is unbearable
And here we are all equally worthless
I have no skills so i swallow pills
Or is it worth fighting for?"

And off i go!
If you ain´t first, you´re last! Shake and bake.