onsdag 10 juni 2009


Cmon boys!




Off to Amsterdam. Dont wanna go home, ever. Gotta make the most of it. Everybody's gonna die tonight!


One night recovering. Ready to do Amsterdam


Me and dave drank beck and watched mtv. Then spooned each other at the hotel room

tisdag 9 juni 2009


Kendolls and us bands Appache and Al and the blackcats. We lost yesterday. Too much.

måndag 8 juni 2009

Cause i like to party?

Pre-party with Appache

Caure i like to party?

Pre-partying with Appache

Super nu

Vi super nu. I bought all colorful shit i saw


We are right now in Chemnity, played there yesterday. Not much people, but we met Apache from the USA which are fun to hang around with. They´ll play tonight so i´ll guess we go there and party. We are leaving Chemnitz tommorrow. We will probably go to Dortmund tommorrow and hit the clubs. Next gig: Amsterdam, Winston Kingdom, 10 June

Photo: Budapest w/ The Killingscreens

söndag 7 juni 2009


3 pathetic loosers at subway to peter


Waiting for the club to open


We like to move cause we like our dancing. Blasting Eagles of death metal in the van and will soon arrive in chemnitz. The stage and sound was ace yesterday. Today we will dance and drink garlic shots at Subway to peter.


Yesterday was really cool despite bad weather. Great crowd and much merch sold. Off to chemnitz now.

lördag 6 juni 2009


They have snowbord on the festival haha, fucking cool

Crossover festival

We hit the stage 23.00. Ös!


Festival started

Crossover festival

Gonna go for a power-nap before the show now

Thank u ludwigsfelde

Thank you connie and all the Nva people (sorry, im bad at names) and all people who came to the gig! Now we are doing the town of leipzig. Outdoor festival tonight! Peppad som fan!


We destroyed ourselves so bad yesterday.
Dont know if everyone hates me.

fredag 5 juni 2009


My balls = your doom.

Nva club

Arrived at awesome Ludwigsfelde! Having dinner and jäger!


Jocke, the anal roadie from hell


On our way to ludwigsfelde! Im head over heals, touched my own balls, kissed my own ass. Pappa janne lee riot would be proud of us

torsdag 4 juni 2009


Cause i like to party? Shooter McGavin.


Awaiting to hit the stage. 1 hour left


Opening act The Killingscreens started


Tonight we are sleeping at a fancy hotel, yesterday we slept on filthy sofas. Everything is really organized today. Pepp!


Martons beautiful view


Marton from the killingscreens is having a bbq for us. Today will be fucking ace

Load in

Off to budapest!


Dave taking it home!


Woke up, coffee, macho shower. Yesterday was the strangest fucking night. I laughed my guts out. Would not call it that good haha, but it was humor at its best. Budapest tonight!

onsdag 3 juni 2009


Very hot nice weather and cheap beer. Venue is also cool! Dont know what to expect tonight though. But what is positive touring with these guys is that you always have fun. Jocke hopes for anal again tonight, me too!


Arrived safe in szeged!

Pete Segal

Kicking it with style


On our way to Hungary in our beautiful van! We had a blast in wien. What happens on the road, does NOT stay on the road haha (band rule). It is now the real adventure starts, i have no idea on what to expect. Accidents Danne told me great food and women.


Sigge arrived late. Still sleeping


Me an pete keeping the style fresh! Partied a little yesterday. Sigge arrived at 5 in the morning. Szeged today!

tisdag 2 juni 2009

Doing the town

Just being stupid and hungover in wien, looking forward to szeged tommorrow. We got the most disgusting shit on camera, youtube it without cencur i say! I wanna party tonight. Drinking underberg!


I love wien! Arena has stolen my rotten heart.


Rest of the guys are sleeping. Dallas gives me a fucking headache, so i went alone for schnitzel breakfast.

Thank you wien

Smashed my front teeth on michrophone. Made out with a 35 year old. Jocke is gone with a wife. We made a lot of money yesterday. Saw Truckfighters. Met Accidents guy. Dallas is fucked. Club smells like hasch. I woke up now. God jävla morgon? Hungary next

måndag 1 juni 2009

Super nu

Super nu


Dedicated to pappa janne


We are right now in Vienna. The coolest rock place i have seen. A lot of things have happened the last days. But the important thing is that we have reached Arena, and tonight we are playing.

We have taken some Viagra. We have had a LOT of police stops. Peter pissed on the floor again.

Thanks to all of you who showed up at the releaseparty and bought our merch. Much love to you!