lördag 30 maj 2009


We bought champagne yesterday. We died. Security took us. We lost. Dave ate viagra (no joke)

Tour kick-off, like a kick in the balls

With your pants by your knees
And your heart on the floor
We loose every single fight
Still, we dance all night

Those of you who know us, know that we sacrifice everything and anything to play as much as possible with this band. I don´t like my job. I don´t want to work. I have no money (since i invest all my money into the band). I have no girl. I have basicly nothing that i want in this world...except to play rock music. That might sound depressing, but it´s NOT! The music is love and the band are my family. I need nothing more. That is the only reason i get up in the morning. And when you sacrifice everything, you are bound to run into a "few" bumps. You will get fucked. But you will always have agood time.
So follow us on tour and read about it HERE!

27 May

We invested 30 fucking G´s in a new van, and we were so proud!
What happens? It dies 2 days before the tour.
(I can imagene The Chuck Norris Experiment laughing at us)
The same day the Wiser Entertainment guys arrive, 4 Italians with a funny language arrive in my apartment. Rehearsal, beer and pizza.
It´s really great to work with dedicated people like WE.

I am a stressed wreck.

29 May
The mechanics fix the van!
Now we can go on tour!

The releasparty is fucking great, packed with people! We earned a lot of merch money! Thanks!
And big fucking thanks to those of you who travelled from Italy, Germany and Stockholm!

I am hungover and have to leave for load-in now in our beatuiful green/blue van.
I´ll post more here soon!

Expect the van to break down, expect to run out of money, expect the worst..
But always expect to have a good time.
